MOLTEK contracted to manage and train UAE satellite staff for Boeing Satellite Systems

The Thuraya Satellite System is a regional mobile satellite-based telephony system that provides satellite telephone services to a region covering 99 countries. The Thuraya satellite was launched in Oct. 2000, and represents the fruition of years of development of new satellite technology by Boeing Satellite Systems (BSS).

Boeing Satellite Systems is to operate the satellite until late 2001, and to train the Thuraya operations staff to take over operations in 2001. MOLTEK has been contracted to provide management of all Boeing satellite operations staff for operation of the Thuraya Satellite Operations Center in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (UAE), as well as

providing staff to the operational team. MOLTEK staff played a key role in the preparation of the Satellite Operations Center prior to the satellite launch, training the control team to operate the spacecraft. Post-launch, MOLTEK staff have coordinated the development of the on-station operations philosophy for the center and managed the day-to-day operations.

As Boeing provides training to the Thuraya operations team to prepare them for independent operations, MOLTEK has developed and coordinated the implementation of a comprehensive, structured On-the-Job Training Program for the Thuraya Team. This program will enable them to quickly learn and master the skills needed for independent operation of the satellite and the satellite ground station.