MOLTEK wins a 5 year contract for financial and economic project evaluation
MOLTEK has been awarded a 5 year contract to provide EUROCONTROL with expert support in the field of financial and economic project evaluation. Specifically, MOLTEK will be helping EUROCONTROL to define the methods of conducting cost benefit and financial analyses for investments in the EUROCONTROL Air Traffic Management Programme.
It will carry out specific analyses and monitor all other Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) activities undertaken for and within the Agency. In addition, MOLTEK will provide advice on project financing, proposal development and the formulation of alternative financing packages for projects to be implemented by the Agency and service providers in its Member States.
In the course of this activity, MOLTEK will be helping to develop a common European cost benefit data base, provide support in CBA matters for all European Civil Aviation Conference member states and participate in international meetings dealing with CBA with users groups, State service providers, the European Commission and industrial partners.
This contract award is the result of MOLTEK's drive into supporting its clients in developing reliable, incisive and accurate CBA and business cases in highly technical and complex industries such Space, Aviation, Telecommunications and public services. (*)EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, currently numbers 30 Member States: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Romania, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey.
Founded in 1960 for overseeing air traffic control in the upper airspace of Member States, EUROCONTROL today has as its most important goal the development of a coherent and co-ordinated pan-European air traffic management system.
Visit the EUROCONTROL website for further information: