[Space] MSG 4 launched successfully

#MSG-4 was successfully launched at 21:42 (UTC) on Wednesday 15 July 2015. It is the fourth and final satellite in the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) series of geostationary satellites, providing weather data.

We congratulate the Moltek consultants who worked hard to support this launch at Eumetsat !

[Space] Sentinel-2 Launched!

After a number of years of hard work, Sentinel-2A has launched on June 23 (2015) @ 01h52 GMT.

The VEGA VV05 launch from Centre Spatial Guyane in French Guyana was very successful and satellite commissioning should begin very soon. MOLTEK Consultants were involved in the payload development/procurement and spacecraft AIT activities of Sentinel-2A and will also participate to some of the commissioning operations in the near future!

[Space] Moltek Won a Sentinel-3 Frame Contract

MOLTEK Consultants Ltd has been awarded a frame contract by EUMETSAT to support Sentinel-3 Operations in Darmstadt, Germany. Sentinel-3 is part of the Copernicus program (formerly known as Global Monitoring for Environment and Security – GMES – program) that is a Low Earth Orbit mission of the European Commission.

Sentinel-3 is one of five Sentinel missions that is co-funded and designed by ESA and its industrial partners aimed at long-term collection and operational delivery of high-quality measurements for ocean, land, and atmospheric services, while contributing to emergency and security services.

[Aviation] MOLTEK Won a Frame Contract with Eurocontrol

Moltek, won in October 2013 a frame-contract at EUROCONTROL (Brussels) to provide support  to the Corporate Development Framework. For this framecontract Moltek is co-leader of a consortium.

In this frame-contract Moltek provides:
•    project managers (IT, HR, Finance),
•    Business Analysts (IT, Communications, HR, Finance, Business processes
•    Technical advisors
•    Test leaders (IT)